Video Editing: Personal Projects

Editing is about psychology. It’s about knowing your audience and guiding them through a story, your story. The editing must be seamless, so they can view with ease or, if called for, a quick shock. If someone notices that they’re watching a series of clips smashed together then you haven’t done your job.


Penguin Proposal Video

This is my (now) husband and my personal proposal video. It was shot on a cell phone camera, as I thought the family and I were just going to New Orleans for a typical touristy day. Boy was I wrong! Jose and my mother surprised us with a “Backstage Penguin Tour” at the Audubon Aquarium where we would be able to pet and feed penguins… and Jose set up a very special treat during that backstage visit… Edited by TR Dailey.


The Golden Compass Trailer

This trailer is a personal project edited using scenes chosen from the feature film in order to help the audience visualize what the announcer, music, and other various noises are saying and doing.


More Editing!
Here are a few of my other personal editing projects that I’ve worked on.

The Charger Girls calendar video

Stop Motion T-Shirt Battle

Audio Editing
This is an old PS2 commercial used for a personal sound-editing project. Any existing sound was wiped from the images before adding anew.

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